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Visibility & Centralization

Map and Centralize your application Portfolio with ease

Simplify the process of mapping and centralizing your application portfolio, and gain full visibility and control over your SaaS environment.

By unifying all your applications in a single, user-friendly interface, Boza makes it easy to manage and optimize your software usage, reducing risks and enhancing efficiency.

Map your apps

Average annual savings


Average return on investment

60 hours

of time saved per year

Visibility & Centralization

Take it back vetting on your SaaS via a centralized tool

Centralize your SaaS applications with a unified dashboard that brings them together in one place.

Organize your portfolio by department, function, or use to quickly locate and manage each application.

Streamline your processes by having all the information in a single, accessible location.

Visibility & Centralization

Uncover Shadow IT with automatic app discovery

Reduce Shadow IT risks by letting Boza automatically discover and track every SaaS application

Whether the tools are official or not, Boza identifies and categorizes them, helping you stay in control.

By revealing hidden applications, you reduce security risks and redundant subscriptions.

Visibility & Centralization

Track the application portfolio and its usage in Real time

Maintain accurate application inventory with Boza's real-time data collection.

Connect Boza to your applications via API to get detailed usage, performance, and compliance data.

The Boza browser extension captures usage data, providing a comprehensive view of the tools used in your organization.

“Thanks to Boza, we were able to map all our SaaS applications and detect shadow IT. This allowed us to secure our environment and to save time during the onboarding and offboarding processes. Boza is a valuable asset for our IT team.”

Olivier Jaminon
IT Manager @ EURESYS

“Thanks to Boza, we centralized our application park and audited all licenses and subscriptions. In less than four months, we identified unused licenses and renegotiated our contracts, saving us €75,000 on our annual expenses. Optimizing our expenses has never been easier or more effective.”

Augusto Pepi
CFO of Boondoggle

“Boza has transformed the way we manage our application park. Thanks to the centralized and detailed view, we were able to discover inefficiencies in license management. The contract renegotiation process, allowing us to save 19% on our costs. Boza has improved our management of IT resources, supporting business growth.”

Philippe Serant
CIO @ Vprint

Say goodbye to unnecessary expenses

Sign up for a free Boza trial and revolutionize your application management today.

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