Rationalisez votre parc applicatifs et SaaS

Libérez tout le potentiel de vos applications et outils SaaS.
Gérez et optimisez votre flotte de logiciels et outils SaaS de façon efficace et proactive.
Réduisez significativement vos dépenses sans efforts.

Discover, manage and optimize your SaaS portfolio

Boza provides a comprehensive and efficient platform for discovering, managing, automating, and optimizing your SaaS portfolio.

It emphasizes complete visibility, efficient expense management, process automation, cost optimization, and compliance adherence, making it a robust solution for SaaS portfolio management.

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1,2 M €

Total Amount saved by our customers

45K €

Average amount saved by our customers




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Discover and Understand Your SaaS Landscape

Boza offers a thorough visibility of your SaaS portfolio, allowing you to uncover all your tools and applications, including those in Shadow IT.

Boza facilitates automatic discovery of SaaS applications, integrating with commonly used enterprise systems for a complete inventory.

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Manage SaaS Expenses Efficiently

With Boza, you can track and analyze your SaaS expenses efficiently. Boza offers detailed insights into application usage and spending.

This includes tracking cost evolution and rationalizing application expenses through market comparisons, as well as proactive management of SaaS contracts and renewals.

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Automation for Streamlined Processes

Boza automates critical SaaS management tasks, such as employee onboarding and offboarding.

This feature includes creating workflows, customizing onboarding processes, and maintaining a user-friendly SaaS task list.

Experience Boza : Schedule a Demo
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Optimize and Save on SaaS Spend

Boza dentifies overlapping functionalities and redundant applications for optimization. Boza focuses on eliminating unnecessary SaaS expenses.

This involves removing duplicate applications, identifying underutilized and unused applications, and consolidating applications with redundant features.

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Ensure Compliance and Reduce Risks

Boza also focus on compliance and risk reduction, ensuring that your SaaS portfolio complies with regulatory standards like GDPR and SOC 2.

This includes monitoring for security risks, securing data access, and ensuring vendor compliance with your company's policies.

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