Transparent and simple pricing with guaranteed savings

Boza save you more than it costs

Pay a flat annual fee based on your employee count and receive guaranteed cost savings of 50-150€ per employee annually, depending on your total annual SaaS spend.

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Full visibility
More control
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Shadow IT discovery
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App utilization Insights
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Vendor CRM
Speedup in operations
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Customized workflow automation
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License provisioning/deprovisioning
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Collaborative approach with your teams

Boza is built for you

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Allow control and gain visibility

Gain a complete visibility over your SaaS portfolio, thanks to a full mapping of your SaaS applications and their usages.

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Save up to 20% on your expenses

Stay in control of your SaaS expenses and optimize your IT budget with ease.

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Streamline your workflows

Simplify end-to-end processes and eliminate tedious tasks for IT and finance teams.

Ready to get started?

Take the first step to an efficient SaaS portfolio.
Join our Elit program