Discover, manage and optimize your SaaS portfolio

Gain complete insight into all your SaaS applications, their utilization, and the expenses incurred, all in one convenient platform.
Streamline and optimize your SaaS portfolio by removing unused licenses and minimizing redundancies.


Gain a complete visibility over your SaaS portfolio

  • Uncover all your tools and applications, including those in Shadow IT
  • Get a comprehensive overview of tool usage within your organization, sorted by team, function, and category
  • Gain a clear understanding of your applications' actual usage

Track and analyze your SaaS expenses

  • Track the costs evolution over the year (by tool, by category, by team...)
  • Gain in-depth insights to optimize and rationalize your application expenses with market comparisons
  • Analyze the correlation between application spending and usage

Proactively manage your SaaS contrats and renewals

  • Never miss a renewal date again. Receive reminders and plan ahead with anticipation
  • Stay informed of any paid tools that are not being used by teams
  • Stay informed of your contractual obligations with clarity
  • Collect and store your application contracts in a single directory
Slice Webflow template product image

Automate employee's on/offboardings

  • Create as many workflows as necessary (on/offboardings, new tool validation...)
  • Customize your onboarding process to match the specific needs of each employee's team and position
  • Stay organized and on track with a simple, user-friendly SaaS task list

Eliminate unnecessary SaaS expenses

Save up to 20% of your SaaS spend.

  • Remove duplicate applications
  • Identify underutilized and unused applications
  • Consolidate applications with redundant features and functions
  • Leverage usage insights to renew your licenses

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Ready to get started?

Take the first step to an efficient SaaS portfolio.
Join our Elit program